About Perry Reid Properties
Perry Reid Properties defines itself and its objectives through a most successful history. Six months after Perry Reid was incorporated in 2001, it reached 95% occupancy in all stabilized managed properties. Perry Reid has continued to maintain no less than 94% property-wide occupancy, a benchmark when compared with other management firms. High occupancy is achieved through the experienced and dedicated people we hire, and the training they receive. We enhance our operation with the hands-on management style we embrace and the spirited atmosphere we generate.
Perry Reid has successfully maintained high occupancy and high profits to its clients. In addition, our company has successfully completed no fewer than eight new properties lease-ups and it successfully took five properties from a near six-digit loss to a breakeven status in one year of management. Perry Reid Properties provides services offered by few others in the property management field. Perry Reid is involved from initial lease-up through stabilization and on. Taking a property through its final stages of construction, dealing with punch lists, warranty issues and meeting leasing goals is not for every property management firm.